18.6 C
Niagara Falls
Friday, July 26, 2024


Letter: 2021 report warned about Four Mile Creek drainage problems

Dear editor: The Four Mile Creek drainage area runs from about Mountain Road in Niagara Falls in the south to Lake Ontario in the north, between Concession 3 and 7. It...

Arch-i-text: Assault on heritage continues, but it’s not too late

"It is past time that we come together as one voice to save the cultural heritage landscapes of Niagara-on-the-Lake," writes Brian Marshall.

Editorial: Building a future for NOTL seniors

"Our seniors appreciate their current independent way of life. They’re committed to NOTL. They want to stay here as they age. But the existing housing stock may not be sufficiently diverse to accommodate their age-related needs. And this tension will only increase in the coming years," writes Kevin MacLean.

The Turner Report: Trump, Biden, a bullet and what future holds

"On this side of the river, we’ll have to deal with a situation new in our lifetimes. Religion, race, tribalism, patriotism and a battle between left and right make the coming presidential vote a rising risk to wealth," writes Garth Turner.

Letter of the Week: Town needs to step back, impose moratorium on building

"Residents have loudly voiced their objections — supported by well researched documentation — while ill-conceived decisions, based on weak and creative wordsmithing are pushing the developments through," write Jim and Erika Alexander.

Opinion: New development must respect NOTL’s past

"We cannot jeopardize what makes this town so unique with inappropriate development — and we must always hear the voices of residents before we move forward on big development projects," writes MPP Wayne Gates.

Letter: Agreed, we need more sound at Simcoe Park

"Give local musicians the stage. Put in a professional sound system. Let us celebrate and hear them," writes Aksana Kavaliova-Moussi.

Growing Together: The power of pollinators

"If we each add a couple pollinator-loving plants, it will make a positive difference. If we feed a pollinator, they will in turn provide us with the food we need to survive," writes Joanne Young.

Letter: Why are we ignoring smelly sludge at NOTL beach?

"For a visitor-dependent destination to allow such a disgusting display to recur in full public view year over year without abatement, or even evident intervention, calls its priorities seriously into question," writes Bruce Dickson.

Letter: Populist vs. independent approaches to local politics

"When I cast my votes in municipal elections, I do so for candidates who I believe will bring the best set of skills, experiences and judgments in dealing with the important issues facing our town even where I do not agree with everything that they stand for," writes Ron Fritz.

Letter: Some good news: Parks workers rescued my prized missing hat

"My sincere thanks to the three gentlemen who were successful at reuniting me with my special hat and restoring my faith in human kind," writes Dr. Fred Ross.

Letter: ‘Witness’ review missed Shaw director’s point

"I realize each theatre patron sees the world differently but in this case the great majority of the audience by the their response saw the play as the director intended," writes Michael Eagen.

Arch-i-text: Concerns and costs around town’s infrastructure and stormwater management

It has been reliably reported that Coun. Erwin Wiens has been heard suggesting he believes the council’s decision to rezone the Parliament Oak property...

The Turner Report: Own something beautiful, it’s a smart investment

Some days you never forget. It was Monday. I was a columnist and business editor for one of the city’s big dailies (remember them?). Without...

Letter of the Week: Cyclist was bitten by an off-leash dog in NOTL

"Please, love your dogs, let them run around in your yard, but make sure the yard is where they stay," writes Karen Fisman.

Letter: Proud of Bjorgan for receiving prestigious honour

"The Meritorious Service Medal (civil division) is one of Canada’s most prestigious awards and deservingly granted to Steffanie for her work over many years in serving our community through Red Roof Retreat," writes Peter Warrack.

Ross’s Ramblings: Sometimes the golf gods take care of golfers

Tiger Woods has carded 20 holes-in-one. There have only been 34 in Masters history. President Joe Biden has had 14, and with a straight face, Donald Trump claims 16 — many while wearing a red MAGA golf cap.

Letter: Council has courage of its convictions

"I suspect that Ron Fritz’s excellent letter about the town needing to pick and choose its legal battles likely reflects the opinion of the majority of Niagara-on-the-Lake residents who are fed up with unsustainable property tax increases year after year," writes Jonathan Household.

Dr. Brown: The surprising power of the placebo effect

Studies have repeatedly shown that as many as one-third of patients suffering from pain see noticeable improvement thanks to placebos, a measure of effectiveness rivalling or surpassing the effectiveness of many pain medications, including over-the-counter drugs and opioids for painful disorders such as headache and lower back pain. 

Letter: Has the die been cast for NOTL’s future?

"The decisions to approve are contrary to the official plan, contrary to much-needed guidance of contextual zoning, will change the living experience of immediate residents as well as others and also are contrary to the election promises that the majority of the five made," writes Terry Mactaggart.

Letter: Express differences but let’s maintain respect

"Groups who follow a common lineage and share a NIMBY attitude —and were formerly known locally as Citizens Against Virtually Everything (CAVE) — have a short memory," writes Bonita Cawker.

Letter: Permanent residency for farmworkers can be complicated

"It would be interesting to know how many offshore workers there are in Niagara and to ask each one whether they want to have permanent residency," writes Susan Pohorly.

Editorial: Play the beautiful game, without all the antics

Part of us hopes a lot of Canadian kids have been watching the Copa America and Euro Cup soccer tournaments to witness how the so-called beautiful game can be played.

Editorial: Pride, tolerance, acceptance — and hate

We naively thought, hoped, wished that last summer’s collective civic embarrassment when the new rainbow crosswalk was repeatedly vandalized might have inspired greater tolerance in some pockets of Canada’s “prettiest little town.”

Letter: Many town staff are new or inexperienced

"Unfortunately, when it comes to development issues, our town staff are either temporary or have occupied their positions for a short period of time," writes Elizabeth Masson.

Ross’s Ramblings: In NOTL, it was just like ridin’ a bike

"I am certain the summer of 2024 is going to be a classic, one for the memory books. So many problems in the world, political, financial, and just plain not good. But here we are, on a parking-lot-like crowded main street," writes Ross Robinson.

The Turner Report: NOTL housing costs are in the stratosphere

Sure, it’s a nice place. Most folks would be happy living in the coach house. But is it $4.5 million nice? The latest listing on my Old Town street (one block from the flip now on sale at $3.9 million) is part of a larger local story.

Letter of the Week: Serious questions about AI and our future

"Will the ever-expanding AI universe create a society not unlike drones, unable to draw on our own accumulated experience and intelligence to think critically?" writes Don Mustill.

Arch-i-text: All those letters to the editor mean something

"The citizens of NOTL are uniformly educated, intelligent, informed and realistic," writes columnist Brian Marshall, commenting on letters to the editor sent to The Lake Report this year about contentious development plans in story for Niagara-on-the-Lake.

Letter: Board acted appropriately in firing chief librarian

"Our former chief librarian chose to accept a generous severance package and is now enjoying an early retirement. Property owners have borne and paid the cost of her choices," writes Steve McGuinness.

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