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Niagara Falls
Friday, July 26, 2024
Reader Submission

Author's Latest

Letter: Why are we ignoring smelly sludge at NOTL beach?

“For a visitor-dependent destination to allow such a disgusting display to recur in full public view year over year without abatement, or even evident intervention, calls its priorities seriously into question,” writes Bruce Dickson.

Letter: Populist vs. independent approaches to local politics

“When I cast my votes in municipal elections, I do so for candidates who I believe will bring the best set of skills, experiences and judgments in dealing with the important issues facing our town even where I do not agree with everything that they stand for,” writes Ron Fritz.

Letter: Proud of Bjorgan for receiving prestigious honour

“The Meritorious Service Medal (civil division) is one of Canada’s most prestigious awards and deservingly granted to Steffanie for her work over many years in serving our community through Red Roof Retreat,” writes Peter Warrack.

Letter: Council has courage of its convictions

“I suspect that Ron Fritz’s excellent letter about the town needing to pick and choose its legal battles likely reflects the opinion of the majority of Niagara-on-the-Lake residents who are fed up with unsustainable property tax increases year after year,” writes Jonathan Household.

Letter: Has the die been cast for NOTL’s future?

“The decisions to approve are contrary to the official plan, contrary to much-needed guidance of contextual zoning, will change the living experience of immediate residents as well as others and also are contrary to the election promises that the majority of the five made,” writes Terry Mactaggart.

Letter of the Week: Development, sure. But it must fit in

“The comments by Lord Mayor Gary Zalepa and Coun. Maria Mavridis to counter the criticism by resident Bob Bader (published in a story June 20 headlined, “Mayor and councillor push back against hotel criticism”) are not at all convincing,” writes Derek Collins.

Letter: Outrage against NOTL librarian based on false premise

“As a former library trustee in Lincoln, I’ve followed your reporting on the wrongful termination of chief librarian Cathy Simpson, who apparently was discharging her responsibilities dutifully, yet ran afoul of a strident cabal, consisting of a misguided resident, some mutinous library staff and a plainly hysterical library board chairperson,” writes Kevin Burns.


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