-2.2 C
Niagara Falls
Thursday, February 13, 2025
Letter: Community effort made Terry Fox Run a success
Terry Fox ran a marathon a day before the return of his cancer forced him to stop.

Dear editor:

Perfect weather and a beautiful setting at Simcoe Park brought out many eager participants to support the Terry Fox Run and to remember later firefighter Mike Vriens.

Thank you to The Lake Report for your meaningful coverage of the event and to Niagara-on-the-Lake’s Jacob Graham for capturing special moments on a video.

Many dedicated volunteers continue to make this fundraiser a success by helping with registration, acting as a marshal along the route, handing out certificates, selling shirts and displaying all the photos. We couldn’t do it without each of you.

Huge thanks to Juliet Dunn, who led us in the warm ups prior to the run, Lucas Pillitteri for acknowledging the land on which we live, and Leo and Sophia Pillitteri for waving the Canadian flag while Juliet  sang the national anthem.

Joe Pillitteri gathered the participants closer to express his dedication to the foundation. His goal, as captain of Team Pillsy, is to raise $1 million by 2025.

Lord Mayor Gary Zalepa started the runners, walkers and bikers on the five-kilometre route.

Thanks to Walkers Fruit Market and Quiet Acres for providing fresh fruit and to Peter Gill for donating cases of water.

Thank you to all the participants who so generously supported Terry’s dream of a cancer-free world.

Take pride in knowing that your personal contribution to Terry’s legacy makes this world a better place. Terry said if every Canadian gave $1 they would be part of the Marathon of Hope.

Andrew Niven, director of marketing at Konzelmann Estate Winery, was instrumental in getting several wineries on board to support the Terry Fox Foundation from Sept. 11 to 17 by asking anyone who made a purchase to donate $1.

The spirit of giving continues in our community thanks to Andrew and the following wineries:
Konzelmann, Pillitteri, Riverview, Jackson-Triggs, Chateau des Charmes, Marynissen, DeSimone, Palatine, Trius, Gretzky, Peller, Lakeview, Queenston Mile, Ironwood and Shiny.

Joan King
Terry Fox Run

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