18.3 C
Niagara Falls
Saturday, May 18, 2024
Letter: Diane Hemmings missed in women’s celebration
Letter. Supplied

Dear editor:

I must congratulate The Lake Report team on an excellent edition on March 9 recognizing International Women’s Day, (“Celebrating the Women of NOTL“).

It was timely and important – and women make a major contribution in the Niagara-on-the-Lake community.

I was very disappointed that the late Diane Hemmings, PhD, was not included in the listing of women who have made a difference in the town.

Diane always had a strong sense of being a responsible volunteer in NOTL, making it a better place for all. Her accomplishments spread across many community organizations. These is just a few examples of Diane’s contributions.

Diane chaired the town’s Communities in Bloom committee for several years and took the lead in helping NOTL win the International Communities in Bloom contest twice.

The two books she compiled on the town’s activities, interests and environment were a unique reflection of NOTL and greatly impressed the judges. 

Diane was also co-president of the NOTL Horticultural Society and rewrote the constitution to meet government standards and establish the basis for a stable, well-managed community-focused organization.

She also served on the board of Music Niagara, helping to bring sensible management to the acclaimed performance academy for young musicians and the leadership of Music Niagara. 

She was a skilled fundraiser, raising over half the necessary funds for the first Choral Festival. Diane was on the NOTL Newcomers Club board and was a member of many organizations including the Shaw Guild and the NOTL Museum.

With a significant professional and academic health care background, she was a talented woman and shared many interests and skills that helped make the community a better place. 

I lived in NOTL for 10 years and saw first-hand Diane’s commitment and hard work for the betterment of our community.

Marion Boon

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