Dear editor:
Most, if not all, road traffic studies across both North America and Europe conclude that roundabouts are far more sustainable than traffic lights (no hydro, no equipment breakdowns and little long-term maintenance).
They result in a more fluid and gentle traffic flow (provided that drivers are educated about how to use them properly), but most importantly they result in a far safer environment for both pedestrians and vehicular occupants – and that’s a fact.
Four-way stop signs and traffic lights are always a disaster waiting to happen.
So, let’s trust our professional engineers and planners, support the necessary changes to improve for the greater good and the whole sum, and rest in the knowledge that when driverless electric cars are commonplace, roundabouts will surely rule.
With all this said, of course, I cannot believe the absolute shear stupidity of Region of Niagara staff with the plastic pylons now installed along a small section of Four Mile Creek Road in St. Davids.
What in heavens name were they thinking?
Philip Hoad
St. Davids