Dear editor:
I attended the Remembrance Day service Saturday in Niagara-on-the-Lake.
Once again, I left feeling disappointed and frustrated that the ceremony, still, after many years, has not acquired a sound system that operates correctly.
Last year, I wrote to Lord Mayor Gary Zalepa expressing my disappointment that a decent sound system appeared unavailable on such an important day.
Mayor Zalepa’s response was that it wasn’t the town’s responsibility, but that it fell either to the Chamber of Commerce or the Legion to look after it.
No offer from him, to follow it up. However, I believe, it should be up to the town to ensure that NOTL can be proud and capable of honouring Remembrance Day appropriately.
We should be able to get our act together for the old soldiers and senior citizens and the attending public, who all deserve more.
Jean O’Malley