Dear editor:
I’m writing in support of the recent letter in your paper from Cindy Grant, a local resident (“Letter: Town should step up to find best use for old hospital,” Nov. 7). This is the second letter I have written on the same topic of what to do with the property where the old hospital was located.
Both my husband and I have lived in Old Town for the past 40 years during our retirement.
I have noticed more frequently that many people our age are selling their houses and leaving since there is such a limited supply of housing in our town for seniors who are aging as well as limited in-home support care available.
The city of St. Catharines next door is building and selling residential houses for seniors as fast as they can build them. I can’t understand why our town is ignoring this population while they own the old hospital property which would be ideal.
We need a response from our town councillors.
Karen Gansel