Dear editor:
I read with interest the Letter of the Week “Old hospital needs to be facility for seniors, not another ‘community hub’” published on Oct. 17.
I strongly agree with the Massons’ comments urging the town council to take immediate responsibility for determining the future of this property.
Findings from the senior housing survey, conducted earlier in 2024, highlighted an overarching desire for NOTL seniors to have access to suitable alternative housing accommodation, within Niagara-on-the-Lake, as an option to assist them through the aging process and ensure that they can remain in our community.
It is clear that the old hospital site could be one such location.
Importantly, this element appears to have been excluded from the research addressing a proposed arts, education and heritage hub.
Town council and staff: I strongly urge you to immediately accelerate the process of determining the future of this important town-owned site.
It is a unique opportunity to address an identified need of an important sector of Niagara-on-the-Lake residents.
Cindy Grant