The following letter to Lord Mayor Gary Zalepa and members of council was submitted to The Lake Report for publication.
We are writing to present our concerns regarding the submission to Niagara-on-the-Lake’s urban design committee on April 26 for a proposed condominium apartment building at 227 Mary St.
Our concern is specific to the scale and height of the building.
The proposed four-storey building is located mid-block and is sited in the middle of and will overlook the rear yards of 13 existing one- and two-storey homes.
These homes have been there for decades and each homeowner has a right to enjoy the privacy, sunlight and noise levels encountered as provided by municipal zoning bylaws.
The proposed development will destroy almost all visual privacy in their rear yards and through their windows into their homes. Moreover, we can anticipate a significant increase in noise levels.
We have produced a copy of the architect’s section through the properties to which we have added the sight lines from the proposed third and fourth floors clearly showing this direct line of sight invasion of the neighbours’ backyards.
The dashed line in the drawing also clearly shows the proposed building’s fourth floor is significantly higher than the current zoning allows.
It should be without question that the 13 neighbours have the right to expect new, adjacent developments to respect the existing zoning and honour their expectation of continued privacy in their backyards and their homes.
This proposed building would set a dangerous precedent for the town whereby potentially no individual house or households will be safe from similar proposals, all in the name of increased density and developers’ profits.
This proposal disrespects the town’s existing unique built character and quality of life. There is no question that it would cause the town and its residents immense harm.
David Parker, architect
Gordon Stratford, architect
David Anthony, engineer
John Gartner, retired plannerÂ