Dear editor:
Coming into St. David’s along on Four Mile Creek Road from Niagara-on-the-Lake, one used to be greeted with a sign announcing that one was “Entering the Greenbelt.”
Reference also was made to the World Biosphere Reserve and the Niagara Escarpment.
It did seem ironic as semi-detached and townhomes burgeoned behind the sign, but there it remained.
Until recently.
As the homes neared completion, the sign disappeared. Finally, a new sign appeared: “Sold out.”
Many Ontarians feel they have been “sold out” by the provincial government of Premier Doug Ford.
Indeed, one could argue that many parts of our heritage — our health care, our once-great public education system, the Greenbelt, even Ontario Place — have been sold out.
It is only surprising that a developer, one of the prime beneficiaries of the sell-out led by Mr. Ford, would publicly declare it, on a four-foot by three-foot sign.
One can only wonder how many such homes, built on the Greenbelt, were sold as “affordable” housing.