Are you ready for some football? Well, the Buffalo Bills aren’t playing in the Super Bowl this weekend, so no. However, if you’re referring to what we like to call soccer and the Canadian men’s soccer team’s highest-ever ranking for FIFA, then yes! In honour of the team’s success, we present the “Spalding Cup,” which was awarded to D company of the 35th Battalion at Niagara Camp for winning the soccer tournament held on the Commons in 1915. Although you recognize the word football on the trophy it is referring to soccer in this instance. The YMCA organized several extracurricular activities for the soldiers during their leisure time. Soccer (football), tug of war, cricket, baseball and boxing were a great way to pass the time when the men weren’t in training. The soccer pitch was located just in front of the museum building (on Castlereagh Street) where the veteran’s housing is today.