18 C
Niagara Falls
Thursday, September 19, 2024
Letter: What’s not to like about trees?
Letter to the editor. File

Dear editor:

Reading Kip Voege’s letter, “Sometimes trees just need to be taken down,” (The Lake Report, Feb. 1) was disheartening if not downright bewildering.

What an attitude. Trees sometimes do need to be cut when they are diseased or pose the threat of falling, endangering lives or causing problems with drainage, but the writer’s misconception defies reason.

His disregard of the multiple benefits that trees provide shows a serious lack of understanding. Trees are our natural heritage. Why wouldn’t we expect to see them along the Upper Canada Heritage Trail?

To quote from a recent publication of Stewards of Sustainability in Chautauqua: “Trees act as filters and are of critical importance in protecting us from the harmful effects of a wide range of pollutants and contaminants such as potassium, phosphorous and nitrogen.”

“Trees protect our homes from floods by slowing down the flow of water and reducing erosion, which helps to hold on to land and soil.”

“Trees help us breathe clean air by storing carbon and regulating the corrosive effects of extreme temperatures.
Trees block strong winds and in turn reduce our heating costs by as much as 25 per cent. Trees also offer shade to our houses and keep them cool in summer, thereby reducing hydro bills as well.”

“Trees help hospital patients recover more quickly. Studies demonstrate that patients with a view of trees recover significantly more quickly and with fewer complications than those without a tree view.”

“Trees help to create beautiful streetscapes.”

“The sheer beauty of tree canopies and leafy greens stimulates our senses, reduces levels of stress and brings tranquility and more green spaces into our daily lives.”

What’s not to like about trees?

Mary Kilmer
Tree hugger


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