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Niagara Falls
Sunday, February 16, 2025
Letter: Unfair to criticize understudy in ‘Candida’
Letter to the editor. FILE

Dear editor:

I have enjoyed the reviews of the plays at Shaw this year, but, I have a bone to pick with the review of “Candida.”

Regarding the role of Prospertine Garnett, usually played by Claire Jullien, the reviewer claimed that Gabriella Sundar Singh, who played this role on the day that the reviewer attended the performance, “Did not have the depth that this role demands.”

Gabriella, the understudy for Claire, is not even in this play in a regular role. Her two parts are as a lead in “The Secret Garden” and in “My Fair Lady.”

Gabriella is in her sixth season at Shaw and as a season pass holder I have seen her many times in a variety of shows over the years. As far as I’m concerned, she always does a great job and it is unfair to comment in a review about her performance as an understudy.

Doris Bradley

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