Dear editor:
While I sympathize with Garth Turner and believe he is correct that Canadians vote against, not for, I am ambivalent about the fate of Justin Trudeau.
I have always held that political dynasties are dangerous for democracy. The fault was definitely with the Liberal party for flattering Trudeau into believing he would be a good prime minister.
If he had not been Pierre Trudeau’s son, he would never have been considered for that role. Now the party has wooed Marc Carney into running for party leader. Big mistake!
Even if he wins the leadership, he will still lose the election and so he will be starting his political career as a loser. He should be disassociating himself with the present Liberal party not running for it or he will suffer the same fate as Kamala Harris.
There is no way that the Liberals can win the next election and nor should they after the way that party has let down Canadians. I doubt that Pierre Poilievre will do a much better job and we will kick the Conservatives out too later but only when there appears to be a better alternative.
Jackie Bonic