-4.9 C
Niagara Falls
Friday, February 7, 2025
Letter: The unfortunate decline of NOTL continues
Letter to the editor. FILE

Dear editor:

With the ever-increasing approvals of multi-storey condo buildings, highrise hotels, Dairy Queen, the Tour de France every weekend on our roads and residential streets, overtourism etc., is it any surprise that Niagara-on-the-Lake did not make the list of “The 5 best places to retire in Ontario,” as published by insidermonkey.com?

We cannot unring the bell on these development decisions.

The culture of our town continues to be eroded with each passing council as they continue to march to their own drummer and repeatedly ignore their constituents’ concerns and aspirations.

Subsequently residents are stuck with these eyesore, ill-advised structures in perpetuity in our heritage district.

Sadly, NOTL is now viewed by our tourists as merely a day tripper’s bucket list destination: Spend an hour or so, walk around, buy an ice cream and leave.

Our elected officials and other tourism-related parties should take note. NOTL is on a very measurable decline in the eyes of the outside world.

Samuel Young

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