-4.1 C
Niagara Falls
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Letter of the Week: Virgil road work is frustrating, but please calm down
Letter to the editor. FILE

Dear editor:

I’d like to begin by disclosing that my forum for pointing out things that don’t sit well with me is usually the dinner table with my family, a chat with my neighbours or a conversation with my close friends.

But something happened a few days ago to change that.

An incident I witnessed in Virgil has prompted me to write this letter to the editor.

It’s been months now that we have all had to endure the noise, chaos and changing dynamics of our small town under the guise of improving our infrastructure.

I’ve been known to comment that our town should currently be called Construction-on-the-Lake.

And I get that the middle left-turn lane may be necessary for the length of Niagara Stone Road, the York Road/QEW overpass needed something (though I’m not completely sure yet why it had to be the nightmare that we need a degree to navigate) and that the road near the Mewburn bridge needed to be shut down yet again (for several months this time, instead of years) for repairs.

But here is my point and the incident last week. As I tried to go to the Virgil post office, the traffic was snarled more than it usually has been during these months of construction.

I don’t know why, but traffic was backed up in every direction, at the intersection of Creek and Niagara Stone Road.

As I waited for traffic to clear so that I could turn left on to Lorraine Drive and grab my mail someone behind me started to lean on their horn.

And I don’t mean just honking it, she was leaning on it.

How was that going to help and where did she think we could go?

When blaring her horn didn’t get the result she was hoping for she climbed down from her white pickup truck and stomped up to the car in front of me, which was also waiting to turn left.

On her way to the car she began yelling and cursing and using foul language, as well as insulting the driver’s intelligence.

Really, I thought? Was that necessary? We are all, tired of this, I’m sure.

Our nerves are frayed, our patience is wearing thin and the disruption to our routines is stressful at times and most likely we are all feeling the inconvenience of the constant and continuous traffic jams in our normally smooth-moving little town.

So, whoever it was who felt it necessary to rant and rave and rage (the scariest part) I’d like to say this:

Come on. We are all doing the best we can, given the circumstances. Your behaviour was unacceptable.

I’ve always been proud of this town and its residents. I was not proud that day.

If it had been a tourist that you screamed at do you really think they were impressed by your hostility and language?

You sure don’t speak for me when you disrespect other drivers who are most probably equally tired of the construction which, I might add, is only temporary.

Maybe you should take the back roads if it’s so important that you move smoothly through town in the middle of construction season. Just a suggestion.

Susanne Langdon

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