Dear editor:
I usually find myself cheering for the judicial system to award legal costs so as to discourage the growing trend of frivolous lawsuits taking place in this province.
But upon reading the June 22 article in The Lake Report, “Town, SORE lose bid to recover legal costs from Solmar,” I couldn’t have been happier.
What a great message sent to SORE (Save Our Rand Estate) and our municipal government that, “If you want to hold back progress in Niagara-on-the-Lake you’re going to have to pay for it yourself.”
I do, however, find it ironic that during a month where I, and many others, celebrate “social progress” we find our government and special interest groups working hard to stop “economic progress.”
As a capitalist, I can’t tell SORE how to spend its money – $365,000 in legal costs – but surely this money would have been better spent on … well … anything else?
However, as a taxpayer, I can say clearly to our elected representatives, “this is NOT what government should be spending our taxpayer dollars on. This is not protecting individual rights.”
And that is why I’ve started an organization dedicated to lowering taxes in NOTL.
NOTL4LowerTaxes is, so far, a party of one, but will work hard to let you keep your hard-earned money so your government doesn’t waste it on frivolous legal battles.
Alexander Evans