Dear editor:
I read Coun. Maria Mavridis’ response, published in the June 20 issue of The Lake Report, “Mayor and councillor push back against hotel criticism,” to a resident’s comments on the council review of an application for development of Parliament Oak property.
While I did not find the resident’s letter offensive, of particular interest is your comment, ”Some have said they prefer residential. That was presented and was met with the same outcry from residents. Ship sailed.“
While it is true some residents expressed concerns on a previous application related to an apartment building and residential development on the same property, albeit under different ownership during information sessions, your comment suggests the previous council rejected that development in its entirety.
The ship has not sailed. In fact, it never arrived at the dock.
The previous application was never reported out as a recommendation to committee or council as the developer moved direct to the Ontario Land Tribunal.
While the previous application was reviewed by the municipal heritage committee and urban design committee, at no time was it presented to the planning committee or council during the previous term.
Perhaps Coun. Mavridis may want to clarify her statement.
Allan Bisback
Former NOTL town councillor