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Niagara Falls
Saturday, February 15, 2025
Sports: Golfers take their best shot and try to Beat the Pro
On Tuesday, members of the women's leagues tried to beat NOTL club pro Keith Vant. JANICE WHITE

It’s open season on the head pro at Niagara-on-the-Lake Golf Club.

As another summer winds down, participants in some of the club’s leagues are having their annual friendly Beat the Pro competitions.

This past Tuesday, the nine- and 18-hole women’s league participants had their shot at pro Keith Vant.

Only a few were successful.

The game involves getting closer to the pin on the par-3 fourth hole, which measures about 120 yards from the tips.

This week some of the women even got to decide which club Vant could hit, in some cases forcing him to hit his driver from the back tees (when normally he might hit a 9-iron or a wedge).

It’s all in fun and among the nine-holers only Maureen Taylor was able to get closer than Vant, while three 18-holers – Jen Meszaros, Lisa Allen and Cathy Murray – were successful.

In other results, Judy Wright has the longest drive and Diana Dimmer sank the longest putt in the nine-hole league.

Club champion Martha Cruikshank won the low gross in 18-hole play, shooting 84. Yolanda Henry had 87, Allen shot 90 while Brenda Bell and Margot Richardson had 93.

Top net scores were: Robin Foster (70), Richardson (71) and Gayle Tanner, May Chang, Val Chubey and Cruikshank had 72. Foster had the fewest putts, with 30.

Meszaros was closest to the pin on #4 and Richardson was closest on #9. Birdies were notched by Allen and Meszaros (#4), Chubey (#6) and Richardson (#9).

In Thursday’s men’s league, Harry Huizer and club champ James Grigjanis-Meusel both shot sizzling rounds of even-par 36. Huizer also led in modified Stableford scoring, with 23 points.

Other winners: Ricky Watson (longest drive #1), Patrick Craig (closest to the pin #2), Warren Tutton (closest to the pin #4), Wil Neufeld (longest putt #6), Watson (longest putt #7) and Peter Danakas (closest to the pin #9).

But the biggest winner on the day was Cal Cochrane, who cashed in on the weekly putting contest. He holed an 11-footer to take home the accumulated pot of $630.

Patrick Craig won a gross skin on #3 and net skins went to Bill Smethurst (#3) and Tom Elltoft (#7).

Carolyn and Drew Porter, Julie and Bill Smethurst scrambled to shoot a 2-under 34 to take first place in Friday’s weekly Couples League.

Jill and Ron Planche, Peggy Larder and Gerry Shelly were second with 35, ahead of Karin Nitsch and Brigitte Bassie, Janice and Jim McMacken by retrogression. In fourth were May Chang and Kevin MacLean, Sue and Dave Gagne with 36.

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