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Niagara Falls
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
NOTL Museum volunteers rewarded for their service
Sarah Kaufman, managing director of the Niagara on-the-Lake Museum (third from left) was joined by volunteers, from left Ken Schander, Dick Coyne, Mona Babin, David Hemmings and Richard Merritt. The volunteers were honoured with Ontario Volunteer Service Awards. Supplied
Sarah Kaufman, left, with volunteer Ted Rumble, who received an Ontario Volunteer Service Award. Supplied

A group of people who help out at the Niagara-on-the-Lake Museum are in it for the long haul – and they have the proof to back that up.

Six museum volunteers were among 3,400 across the province recognized for their service with an Ontario Volunteer Service Award for contributions to their respective organizations.

The awards are handed out annually to individuals who have dedicated continuous years of service to non-profits, schools, community centres, hospitals, libraries, and other community groups and agencies. 

Sarah Kaufman, the museum’s managing director, said the volunteers are “the very heart” of the museum.

“They are skilled, committed, and extremely dedicated, and clock up numerous hours doing a variety of work from data entry and collections management, to poppy making and gardening – they are absolutely invaluable to us,” she said.

Volunteers who received the award included Richard Merritt (35 years), David Hemmings (15 years), Ken Schander, Mona Babin, Dick Coyne and Ted Rumble, all with five years of service.

Award winners were all nominated by their respective organization and receive a certificate and lapel pin celebrating their years of service.

The awards recognize adult volunteers for five to 65 years or more of continuous service in five-year increments and youth volunteers for two or more years of continuous service.

For more information, visit www.ontario.ca/page/honours-and-awards-volunteering.

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