Dear editor:
Hello from all our volunteers to our caring community.
Newark Neighbours is most fortunate to have folks starting to ask us what items we need for our Easter food hampers.
Our food manager, Cindy Grant, has identified the following items: canned green beans, canned peas, canned pineapple, bottled juice (cranberry or apple), crackers, cookies (any kind or flavour) and chocolates for Easter baskets.
You can also check our website at any time to find out what general items our food bank requires and the items that are currently well-stocked.
Food donations can be dropped off at our 310 John St. location on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 9:30 a.m. and noon.
Food client registration for an Easter food hamper begins on Tuesday, March 9, and will close on Thursday, March 25.
Distribution of the hampers will take place on Thursday, April 1, from Cornerstone Community Church. Please call our store at 905 468-3519 to register.
Earlier this year we contacted Jane Andres to see how we could help with the arrival of the farmworkers. A need to help fill the Welcome Bags was identified and we were able to donate over 300 pairs of thermal socks, masks, toothbrushes, toothpaste, shaving kits and soap bars.
We would like to sincerely thank the following organizations for their generous monetary or “in kind” donations: Canopy Growth Corporation, Ann-Louise Branscombe Fund at Niagara Community Foundation, customer donations collected at Phil’s Valu-Mart, Crossroads Public School, Grace United Church and Dawland Farms & Landscaping.
Our Thrift Shop remains closed due to COVID-19 restrictions and we are not able to accept any clothing or household items at this time.
Happy Easter to everyone and we look forward to the day we can welcome our customers back to shop.
Laura Gibson
Newark Neighbours