14.5 C
Niagara Falls
Saturday, May 18, 2024
Tractor with political messaging breaks down on Queen Street on election day
NOTL firefighter Jeff Ruttan puts sand down to cover the spill on the road. Richard Harley

A political message gone wrong or political karma?

A berry harvester driven by NOTL farmers Michael and Sukyi Watson broke down on Queen Street on the morning of Monday’s municipal election.

Watson had the rig draped with flags that said “VOTE disero (sic) OUT.”

He told a reporter he planned to park the machine to make a statement while getting his mail. But after having to make a sudden stop on the street, the machine broke down and started spilling hydraulic fluid all over the road.

NOTL firefighters and police were on scene and put sand on the road to cover the slippery substance.

Watson was able to get his machine off the road a short while later.

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