-3.4 C
Niagara Falls
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Sports: Women’s golf leagues hand out the hardware
Several members of the NOTL Golf Club's nine- and 18-hole leagues were on hand when trophy winners were announced Tuesday. From left, Deborah Williams, Yolanda Henry, Sharron Marlow, Penny Green, Charlotte Kainola and Bonnie Lamourie. KEVIN MACLEAN

Nearly 50 members of the Niagara-on-the-Lake Golf Club’s nine- and 18-hole women’s leagues turned out to wrap up their season Tuesday.

Besides their golf game, lunch and prizes, the women raised $145 for Newark Neighbours in a 50/50 draw.

Longest putt winners were Lucy Brookhouser and Margot Richardson, while the longest drives were by Trish Anthony and Maria Townley.

Tuesday also was trophy day, when winners of the season’s various cup competitions were announced.

Nine-hole league winners were: Bonnie Lamourie: Member’s Cup and Gretchen Ormston Memorial Trophy Flight ‘B’ Cup; Charlotte Kainola: Joy Nelles Trophy and Carmichael Cup; Deborah Williams: Gretchen Ormston Memorial Trophy Flight A and June Handicap Award Trophy; and Candace MacLean: Captain’s Cup.

Trophy winners from the 18-hole league were: Cathy Murray: Vera Derbyshire trophy for golfer of the year; Yolanda Henry: the match play winner and recipient of the Barbara Ahluwalia trophy; Janice White: Hunter Cup; Sharron Marlow: Roslyn Cup; May Chang: Margaret Berry trophy; and Sharron Marlow and Penny Green: Yules Pairs trophy.

Meanwhile, A.J. Harlond shot a sizzling even-par 36 to win low gross in Thursday men’s league play last week. Stephen Ferley and Gerry Shelly were tops in Stableford scoring with 23 points.

Other winners: Brock Sansom (longest drive #1), Sam Ridesic (closest to pin #2), Wil Neufeld (longest putt #6), Mike Henry (longest putt #7) and Jim Meszaros (closest to pin #9).

Gross skins went to: Tom Elltoft (#1), John Reynolds (#7) and Ron Newman (#8). Net skins winners were: Elltoft (#1), Robert Lowe (#2), Gary Wasylow (#4) and Don Stewart (#7).

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