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Niagara Falls
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Sports: Men can’t repeat Taylor’s Canadian Open magic despite 100 tries
Jim Panetta, seen in a previous outing, shot an even-par 36 in men's league action last Thursday to lead all competitors. FILE Kevin MacLean

In the wake of British Columbian Nick Taylor’s victory in the Canadian Open – ending a 69-year drought since the last time a Canuck won the national tournament – members of the Niagara-on-the-Lake Golf Club’s Thursday men’s league tried to replicate his mammoth winning putt.

To no avail.

Despite 100 golfers attempting it, no one was able to sink a 72-footer the way Taylor slammed it home on the fourth playoff hole.

The gents “realized that even without the immense pressure it is still nearly impossible,” noted club pro Keith Vant.

There were some big shots made out on the course, however.

Jim Panetta, a former men’s open and seniors club champion, shot even-par 36 to be low gross winner.

He, Jim Meszaros, Harry Huizer and Derek Merza were tops in modified Stableford scoring, with 20 points each.

Other winners were: Devon Neudorf (longest drive #1), Paul Jacot (closest to the 150 on #2), David Gagne (closest to the pin #4), Merza (longest putt #6), Huizer (longest putt #7) and Neudorf (closest to pin #9).

Net skins winners were: Don Stewart #1, Earl Shore #5 and Robert Lowe #6.

Gross skins, all birdies, went to Neudorf on #2 and #9, Stephen Jenkins #3 and Ricky Watson #5.

In Friday’s Couples league scramble, the podium was crowded as four groups tied for first with scores of 1-under 35.

Through the magic of retrogression, the winners were: first – Sheilagh and Larry Blight, Val and Rob Chubey; second ­– Nikki and Stephen Jenkins, Julie and Bill Smethurst; third – Cheryl and Rob Yamamoto, Lenore and Rick Janes; fourth – Janice and Jim McMacken, Eileen and Jack Hanna.

Last Tuesday’s 18-hole women’s league played a game involving blind and mystery holes. Scores were only counted for holes #1, 3, 4, 8, 9, 12, 14, 15 and 17, then half of each player’s handicap determined their net score.

The top three finishers were: Louise Robitaille (38), Martha Cruikshank (41), and Lisa Allen and Yolanda Henry (44).

Top gross scores were: Robitaille (84), Cruikshank (89), Allen (94), Henry (97) and Cathy Murray (100).

Net scores winners were: Cruikshank (74), Robitaille (76), Allen (77), Murray (78), and Val Chubey and Janice White (79). Fewest putts: Henry (30), Patty Garriock and Allen (32), Cruikshank (33) and Christine Earl (34).

And members of the women’s 9-hole league also were putting for prizes last week.

Prize winners for the most putts were Sheilagh Blight (in her first time out with the league) and Lynne Heaman. Diana Dimmer had the fewest putts, with 15.

Dimmer was a big winner on the week, with longest drive on # 2 and a birdie on #6. Judy Wright had the longest drive on #6.

Top net scores were: Dimmer, Victoria Interisano and Ruth Dowsett. Top gross scores were: Dimmer, Suzanne Watson and Susan Horne.

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