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Niagara Falls
Sunday, February 16, 2025
Sports: It’s been raining aces at the NOTL Golf Club
There were three holes-in-one at the NOTL Golf Club in a five-day span over the past week. FILE

Lightning struck three times in just five days at the Niagara-on-the-Lake Golf Club as a trio of players each had a hole-in-one.

Lisa Allen (see accompanying story) started it off last Friday, then on Monday afternoon, playing in the Business Ladies league, Tara Di Leo aced the same hole, #4.

Not to be outdone, the men got into the act and during the WOOFs league on Tuesday, Brian MacIntyre had a hole-in-one on the 180-yard ninth hole. (Watch for more on the aces by Di Leo and MacIntyre next week.)

Club pro Keith Vant had earlier said that Allen’s was the first reported ace of the 2023 season – and then the golf gods bestowed two more in short order.

Three men also shot even-par 36 on Tuesday in the WOOFs league to share top honours.

Big shooters were Don Allen, Harry Huizer and Jim Meszaros. Larry Heim had low net and Ralph Rickard was closest to the pin on #4.

Last week, Patrick Craig won low gross with a 39 and Rob Lowe was low net. Jeff Jacques was closest to the pin on #4.

In Thursday men’s league action, the past two club champs, Ricky Watson and James Grigjanis-Meusel, both shot 1-under 35 to win low gross. Earl Shore collected 26 points for best modified Stableford score.

Other winners: Zach Luis (longest drive #1), Jack Hanna (closest to 150 marker #2), Jim Cosgrove (closest to pin #4), Jim McMacken (longest putt #6, Joe Mulholland (longest putt #7) and Glenn Young (closest to pin #9).

Net skins shooters were Rob Chubey (#1), Peter Chilibeck (#2), McMacken (#6) and Don Stewart (#8). Sam Ridesic’s birdie earned a gross skin on #2.

In Tuesday’s nine-hole women’s league, Charlotte Kainola and Barb Werner tied for first with net scores of 33. Sharon Allen, Ruth Dowsett, Suzanne Watson and Helen McCallum all tied for second with 37.

Top gross scores were Suzanne Watson (47), Susan Horne and Werner (48) and Dowsett (50). Allen had the longest drive on #5.

In round two of the league’s match play competition, Maureen Taylor, Cathy Saytar, Deborah Williams and Suzanne Rate were winners and advanced to next week’s third round.

And it was “Putt for Dough” day in the 18-hole women’s league on Tuesday morning, with points awarded for the fewest putts taken.

The winner was Sharron Marlow with 26 putts and 64 points. Tied for second were Christine Earl and Judy Mantle (30 putts and 60 points). Reigning women’s club champion Louise Robitaille was third with 31 putts and 59 points.

Robitaille also had the top gross and net scores, shooting 78 for a net of 70. Other top gross scorers were Martha Cruikshank and Yolanda Henry (89) and Lisa Allen (91).

Five women tied for second low net at 71: Marlow, Cheryl Yamamoto, Brenda Bell, Cathy Murray, Janice White. Henry was net 72.
It also was a big day for chip-ins, with six in total: Jen Meszaros had two, while Val Chubey, Mary Powers, Henry and White had one each.
Deborah and Grant Williams, and Dean McCann teamed up to shoot 2-under 34 in the Friday couples league’s step-aside scramble.

In second with 35 were Adele Matthews, Michael Mott, May Chang and Kevin MacLean. Third with 1-over 37 were Sharron and Bernard Marlow, Janice and Jim McMacken.

Cal Cochrane was closest to the pin (#4) while Grant Williams and Bonnie Lamourie sank the longest putts on #8. Participant Kathleen Davie was singled out for having a hole-in-one at the St. Catharines Golf Club last week.

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