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Niagara Falls
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Sports: Hot putter helps Henry to shoot 85 in women’s league
Yolanda Henry shot 87 last Tuesday in the NOTL 18-hole women's league and only needed 26 putts to do it. DAVE VAN DE LAAR / FILE

Yolanda Henry’s hot putter worked its magic as she shot 85 to lead all competitors in the Niagara-on-the-Lake Golf Club’s 18-hole women’s league on Tuesday.

She needed only 28 putts on her round as she edged club champion Martha Cruikshank by one shot to take low gross honours.

Henry also tied with Cathy Murray for low net, with 71.

Other low gross scorers: Murray (90), Margot Richardson (95), and Lisa Allen and Marie Ellison (97). Other low net scorers: Ellison (72), Richardson (73) and Cruikshank (74).

Brenda Bell was closest to the pin on #4 and Cruikshank was closest on #9.

In the nine-hole women’s league, Judy Wright had the longest drive on #3, while Linda Williams sank the longest putt on #5. Bunker winners were: Trish Anthony, Sharon Allen, Helen McCallum and Kathy Taylor.

In Thursday men’s league play, Jim McMacken’s two-under 34 led the field while Stephen Levy, Rai Lauge and Rick Shultz were tops in modified Stableford scoring, with 23 points each.

Other winners: Devon Neudorf (longest drive #1), Stephen Jenkins (closest to pin #2), John Gursky (closest to pin #4), McMacken (longest putt #6), Patrick Craig (longest putt #7) and Dean McCann (closes to pin #9).

Gross skins winners were: Jim Meszaros #3, McMacken #5, Craig #7 and Jenkins #8. Craig also scooped a net skin on #7.

Alan Robb and Rick Janes were top dogs in the Tuesday WOOFs league, each carding a two-over 38. Todd Watson was low net with 31 and Glen Murray was closest to the pin on #4.

Robb, a former club champion, won the hidden hole prize thanks to a phenomenal run of birdies on holes 6, 7 and 9.

In the Friday Couples league scramble, Lucy and Jeff Brookhouser teamed with Janice and Jim McMacken to shoot a fabulous four-under 32 and finish first.

Carolyn and Drew Porter, May Chang and Kevin MacLean were second with 34, followed by Peggy Larder and Gerry Shelly, Mary Holley and Steve Millward (35) and Kim and Oleh Hrycko, Wendy and Bob Lowe (36).

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