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Niagara Falls
Thursday, February 6, 2025
Sports: Chautauqua Open, plus men vs. women on the links
Members of the NOTL Golf Club's women's Solheim team gathered Friday for their annual match versus the men's senior Ryder Cup team. KEVIN MACLEAN

The annual Chautauqua Open golf tournament last week attracted 60 players, its biggest turnout ever, and raised about $700 for the community association.

“Sixty golfers is the most we have ever had,” organizer Kurt Hamm said. “It was a beautiful day, beautiful friends and neighbours, beautiful golf course.”

The day is designed to be a fun gathering for neighbours at the Niagara-on-the-Lake Golf Club, not a fundraiser, “but it is nice to have some money in the bank to share with our community,” Hamm said.

On the scoreboard, the tourney had a tie as two teams shot remarkable scores of 7-under par 29 for nine holes.

The teams led by Ricky Watson and Evan McGaughey placed first.

It was a busy week at the NOTL course.

In addition to all the regular league play, the women’s competitive Solheim team teed off Friday morning against the men’s senior Ryder Cup squad in the annual Pro’s Cup tourney.

The men prevailed 27 points to 15 in the match play format, which pitted 14 male and female groups against one another.

In other play, during Friday’s Couples league scramble top shooters were Jill and Ron Planche, Janice and Jim McMacken with even-par 36.

Eileen and Jack Hanna, Mary Holley and Steve Millward were one behind at 37 while Deborah and Grant Williams, Peggy Larder and Gerry Shelly were third with 39.

Jeff Brookhouser was closest to the pin on #4 and longest putts on #8 were by Gerry Shelly and Victoria Interisano.

In men’s league competition Thursday, McMacken’s 1-under 35 was tops and Rick Schultz’s 23 points was the best Stableford score.

Other winners: Ben Berti (longest drive #1), John Grimstead (closest to pin #2), Don Cruikshank (closest to pin #4), James Grigjanis-Meusel (longest putt #6), Derek Merza (longest putt #7) and Mark Derbyshire (closest to pin #9).

Net skins winners were Peter Falconer (#3), Greg Fedoryn (#4) and Paul Wilson (#9).

In Tuesday’s nine-hole women’s league, Suzanne Rate chipped in on #5 and birdied #7. Victoria Interisano had the longest drive on #2 and Deborah Williams sank the longest putt on #8.

Don Allen’s 38 was the best score in the Tuesday WOOFs league. He was the best shooter for the second straight week after shooting 39 on Aug. 15

Rai Lauge had low net with 32 and Gerry Shelly was closest to the pin on #4 this week. Grant Williams won the hidden hold with a birdie on #7.

Last week Randy McCartney had low net (32) and Jeff Jacques was closest to the pin on #4. Brian Heer’s birdie on #8 won the hidden hole prize.

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