Dear editor:
All of a sudden I am receiving paper copies of store flyers delivered to my driveway in plastic bags. Why?
These flyers from Postmedia’s Flyer Force are a waste of paper, not to mention the plastic sleeve they are shoved into.
All of these flyers are available in the stores if you want to look at it in paper form and they can be found online as well.
I know that this is a topic of discussion on many Niagara Facebook pages. From what I have read, no one wants these delivered, and furthermore, most of them go straight into the recycling bin.
I have written twice to the company, to ask them to stop delivery. If I have to, I will write every time these flyers arrive on my driveway.
If you are fed up with this also, go to website, click on resident services and indicate you want delivery stopped.
It seems like a step backward to start delivery of these flyers when we are all trying to go paperless and most of these flyers are available online.
Sheila Serio