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Niagara Falls
Friday, July 26, 2024
Letter: Story of house fire teaches us a valuable lesson
Letter to the editor. File
Dear editor:
I enjoyed reading about the community support provided to the Fish family after the loss of their home and the family dog, (“Community rallies to help after family’s home destroyed by fire,” The Lake Report, Feb. 8).
This story could have had a much worse ending, but there is a useful lesson to be taken from their ordeal which may save others facing a similar disaster.
The article read in part, “Within seconds the house filled with smoke and toxic fumes. Startled by the cacophony of smoke alarms, the girls called 911 and immediately followed their well-rehearsed fire escape plan, smashing the screen of a second-storey bedroom, climbing out the window to safety.”
Any escape plan should include the caveat to leave the premises immediately and call 911 after you have reached safety, often from a neighbour’s house.
The few seconds it takes to call 911 and report the fire may make the difference between success and failure in escaping the fire.
Jim Dandy
Niagara Falls

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