-6.3 C
Niagara Falls
Thursday, February 6, 2025
Letter: Private road sign is a legal necessity, not elitist
Letter to the editor. FILE

Dear editor:

Although I have enjoyed Ross’s Ramblings in the past, his column on January 26 (“Will private roads lead to gated communities in our town?”), left me dismayed on two counts: it is divisive and lacks journalistic inquiry … basically facts.

I happen to live in one of the communities Ross Robinson is complaining about.

Private road signage, despite the insensitive wording, serves a legal purpose as Ross alluded to, in case of accidents.

As property owners fronting on this private road, we pay a monthly fee to a management company, which in turn pays for insurance, road maintenance (snow plowing, salting), landscaping and lighting.

To date this winter, our private road is cleared before the town snowplow makes its way to neighbouring streets.

The developer, had Ross cared to check, is Kekoo Gatta, who ironically was featured for his energy-saving homes on the front page of the same edition of the newspaper.

When we purchased our homes, we were informed that the road was going to be private. It was not a choice or a means to be elitist or exclusionary.

Perhaps Ross should have inquired why the road had to be private by asking the developer.

All of my neighbours chose to live in this beautiful town and we do enjoy its parks, facilities and events.

We pay for public education, universal health care, fire protection and police services through our taxes like everyone else.

And like many in Niagara-on-the-Lake, we give back by volunteering.

Many neighbours are members of the Shaw Guild, volunteering to garden or greet at the theatres. Some volunteer with the Chamber of Commerce at various town events and the Pumphouse for its art shows.

I am sorry Ross feels unwelcome or like an intruder walking down our street. I have no control over his feelings.

But  should he happen to stroll by again, I will gladly talk his ear off about gardening and invite him in for tea.

Lidija Biro

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