Dear editor:
I appreciated Dr. William Brown’s April 18 column (“The Bible, science and the nature of God,”) in which he reflects on the subject of God.
In a world of jaundiced views on matter of faith, it is refreshing to hear from learned men who are unafraid to challenge that bias.
There is a captivating book on that very subject, “Professors who Believe” by Paul Anderson. These writers would share much of Dr. Brown’s viewpoint.
The book holds a scholarly collection of essays by professors involved in impressive fields: molecular biology, astrophysics, biochemistry, astronomy etc.
Their articulate writings convey and support a well-reasoned approach to matters of the spirit and challenge the assumption that faith is antithetical to education.
I have a feeling that Dr. Brown’s viewpoint may sit well among these luminaries.
I thank him for raising the issue and, dare I say it, God bless him for it.
Joost Vandelinde
St. Davids