It’s a similar story no matter who you talk to — it seems everyone knows someone who has had COVID-19 of late.
As testing reaches an all-time low, as Doug Ford’s government continues its pattern of ignoring science and medical experts, we’re seeing more and more infection spread in our communities.
The true number of infections is wildly above the number of reported cases, especially now that people are choosing to test at home, then tough it out if they test positive and aren’t letting public health know about their infections.
It’s sort of worrying, but luckily the death toll isn’t spiking like it did at the beginning of the pandemic.
The Lake Report was no exception, with some cases of COVID sweeping through our newsroom.
We’re all healthy and better now, thanks to multiple vaccinations, but it brought up some serious questions.
If anything, it showed us that, despite covering COVID for more than two years, there are still a lot of unanswered questions.
For example: When you test positive, how long should it be before you test negative again?
How long are you actually contagious?
Why are we only isolating for five days?
Where do we report cases? Do we need to report cases?
Where is the PCR testing?
Where are the mask mandates?
It’s a confusing time for anyone, not to mention stressful and lonely when you need to isolate.
As our columnist Ross Robinson wrote last week about his own experience, it can get really lonely, really quickly.
And seeing more and more infections makes you realize: the masks were working.
But instead, we have a province that wants to open up, despite the best interests of the public.
Ford should be ashamed of his government’s handling of this pandemic since Day 1.
It’s not often a premier can equally anger both his own party and his opposition through sheer incompetence.
So as we move closer to the June 2 provincial election, let’s remember the party that continually failed us during the pandemic.
The party that is sitting on millions of dollars of funding but ended PCR testing against the wishes of doctors.
The party that ended mask mandates out of political expediency.
And let’s also remember that just because we have an incompetent leader at the helm of an incompetent party, it doesn’t excuse our obligations to protect each other.
Mask up. Sanitize. Do your part to protect your neighbours.
Because as he has shown, despite his “for the people” bumper sticker politicking, all Doug Ford really cares about is staying in power.