Dear editor:
In a letter to the editor last fallĀ I stressed that the District School Board of Niagara's policy of closing schools in NOTL and puttingĀ students on buses to larger schools in NOTL or secondary schools outside of townĀ was dangerous because of COVID.
Closing and busing was never a good idea from an academic perspective; now it is a health issue as well.Ā Ā
The delta variant has made it clear that there will be no return to “normal.”Ā Our town council and the DSBN must move to keep our children in our town, in smaller classes and therefore safer.Ā
The present minister of education is moving towardĀ a 15-student limit per class.Ā Is there a way thatĀ NOTL could move this summer to reopen Parliament Oak, Col. John Butler and Virgil schools to provide space at the elementary level?
As well, the property and building that comprised Niagara DistrictĀ Secondary School is operational and could be used immediately.Ā Ā
I would hope that the current owners of those properties would have some compassion for NOTL students and allow the town and/or the DSBN to lease these spaces for students for the next couple of years.Ā
There isn't time to build new schools in NOTL.Ā This will be difficultĀ for everyone.Ā Response to COVID is not easy for anyone.Ā
If any students in this town have to ride buses or leave NOTL to attend classes in overcrowded schools in St. CatharinesĀ or Niagara Falls, both the DSBN and our town council should be held responsible for the inevitable health consequences.
Don MacDougall