4.8 C
Niagara Falls
Tuesday, October 15, 2024
Letter: Hundreds signed petition supporting dog park

Dear editior:

Further to your story about the off-leash area at the Commons and the “several dozen” letters or calls in support of keeping the area leash free, I would like to bring attention to the online change.org petition that was sent to Parks Canada and town council several weeks ago.

This survey held the names of several hundred (not dozen) residents from all across NOTL who are in support of keeping the area leash-free.

It is widely agreed that there is most definitely a need for improved signage at the Commons indicating, to newer residents or visitors, that the gravel track is the only permitted area for leash-free exercising.

There are walkers, runners and cyclists in this town who believe 100 per cent of the park is for their use. We also need to understand that several thousand NOTL residents have dogs.

Respecting each other and handling conflict with kindness is, by far, a better way of dealing with this issue than yelling at dog owners for perceived injustices.

Dog owners must also exercise responsible dog ownership. Pick up after your dog every time and do not let your dog off-leash unless it has recall skills.

Residents in this town seem always quick to judge and condemn rather than exercise kindness and understanding.

We all pay taxes and everyone has equal access to public parks. Several new residents in town have also told me they purchased property here specifically because of access to this off-leash area. There is no formal off-leash dog park anywhere in NOTL.

Let's hope Parks Canada can find a simple signage solution that will make this issue one less issue to argue about around town.

Lyndsay Gazzard

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