Dear editor:
As the owner of the other house I presume Dr. William Rodriguez referred to in his letter to the editor in the March 4 edition of The Lake Report as being “out of place” and to “not reflect the heritage” of NOTL, I have no issue with his argument for a heritage conservation plan for NOTL.
However, I would like to point out that it is unfair to single out my and my neighbours’ houses when there are a number of houses on that same street, on adjoining streets, and in the “downtown” proper (all of which were built prior to the two singled out), that could be deemed to not reflect the heritage of NOTL.
Dare I say our sin seems to be that we’ve had modern houses built (again, not a precedent in NOTL). To single out two houses among many, not to mention providing a photo of one of them with a terrible caption, is disingenuous and mean-spirited.
In my opinion, this letter was not worth publishing as it does not promote constructive dialogue and serves no other purpose than to house-shame.
Edith Morber