25.8 C
Niagara Falls
Friday, July 26, 2024
Letter to the editor: More corporate funding doesn’t mean more tourists


Dear editor:

I am writing regarding Don Stewart’s letter, “Is bigger always better?”, July 11.

I fear your correspondent may have missed the main thrust of the original letter to you. If I read correctly, its author was not advocating more tourism, he was advocating a search for more funds to support tourism.

There are a number of projects under consideration by the town, both inside and outside the council chamber, and many are on hold because of budgetary constraints.

I believe there is no harm in exploring alternative avenues of funding, without assuming the town will be consequently swamped by visitors. Looking at alternatives is both common sense and good husbandry. I understand what the original letter writer Glenn Young suggests. He seeks to tap into funds already earmarked by corporations but not allocated to any specific community.

I would ask Mr. Stewart to consider again whether the view he holds really is in the best interest of the town. 

Undoubtedly, not all jobs can be guaranteed to be held by a resident. Yet by working in the town, that employee is assisting their employer in fulfilling financial, fiscal, and community obligations.

Maybe that employee will do their shopping in town, go to the theatre, perhaps a restaurant … it cannot be assumed if they are not a resident, there is no contribution to their place of work other than their labour.

I lived for a time in a town in England where you weren’t considered a “local” until you had three generations in the churchyard. Such parochial attitudes were harmful to the community and failed to engender community spirit. It merely reinforced the “us and them” philosophy.

It was only after newcomers (i.e. those less than 100 years old!) came forward with ideas and the energy to rejuvenate an inward-looking, tired and apprehensive community that the historic 800-year-old town began to find its purpose and raison d’être once more.

Mr. Stewart is right when he asks, “Is bigger always better?” I would reply, “No, but is richer better than poorer?”

Neil Follett


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