The All Green Irrigation U6 team
Meet the members of the NOTL Soccer Club’s U6 team, sponsored by All Green Irrigation. Front row, from left: Meghan Dyck, Rory Muste, Dallas Gorham, Luca Mirabella, Shyloh Konopka, Wesley Kruitbosch, Sophia Pillitteri, Weston Janny, Kai Zorko, Maxwell Wang, Joanne Guo, Lennon Pepe, Nora Plyley, Julianne Hernder, Jack Sykes and Kareem Hameed. Back row: Coach Mirko Zorko, Rowan Souter, Leo Pryzbek, Joey Schudlo, Mason Nauta, Angus Happer, Leland Bastedo, Ezra Reeve, Conor McCarthy, Henry Adams, Ryan Redekop, Jackson Taylor, Ralph Rana, Vincent Mazza, Bennett Skubel, Liam Charette and coach Jordana Hernder.
Photography by DAVE VAN DE LAAR