-3.4 C
Niagara Falls
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Exploring History: The spirits of the Prince of Wales Hotel 
NOTL Museum photo.

William Long, a local hotelier, built the hotel at the corner of King and Picton streets. In the 1890s, Long was involved in an accident caused by runaway horses and later died. In 1899, Patrick J. O’Neil purchased and renamed the hotel the Niagara House. Rooms were rented at $6 per night. This sketch shows a circa 1910 scene with the Michigan Central train heading toward the river on King Street. There are tales that this hotel and nearby properties may be haunted. Our guess is it’s Hugh Hutchison, who in a fit of insanity, apparently from a screeching cat, met his death in the stables across the street (possibly the building featured on the right). Trick-or-treaters beware of Mr. Hutchison and his screeching cat on all Hallows Eve. Happy Halloween.

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