And they’re off!
It's an election year, literally, and this week marks the start of the provincial election campaign – and the beginning of Niagara-on-the-Lake’s 2022 municipal election race.
People were officially able to submit municipal candidate applications as of Monday, May 2.
And so far, at least, it's a one-person race for council, with Coun. Allan Bisback scheduled to face off against … Allan Bisback?
Well, as of Wednesday, anyway.
Bisback was the only person to so far submit nomination papers to be a candidate for town council in the Oct. 24 vote. Four years ago, more than two dozen people ran for the eight council seats.
But fear not, The Lake Report has learned of a few others who plan to toss their name in the ring.
Coun. Sandra O’Connor confirmed she plans to run again.
Lord Mayor Betty Disero said she will be defending her title and plans to submit her application this Friday.
Couns. Norm Arsenault and Wendy Cheropita say they are as yet undecided. Arsenault said he will make up his mind over the next month while Cheropita said she has been encouraged by people to run but is still uncommitted.
There have also been reports from several sources that regional Coun. Gary Zalepa is going to run for lord mayor. Zalepa did not reply to inquiries from The Lake Report by deadline.
Couns. Erwin Wiens and Clare Cameron already announced they will not be seeking re-election while Couns. Gary Burroughs and John Wiens had not responded to inquiries as of publication.
Applications close on Friday, Aug. 19, according to Elections Ontario, and must be delivered in-person to the NOTL town hall on Four Mile Creek Road.