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Niagara Falls
Thursday, February 6, 2025
Brynns Branches: In teaching about giving, stolen pussywillows offer another lesson

Virgil father Jeff McGuffin was teaching his one-year-old daughter Brynn about the spirit of giving when he found a few more lessons to impart along the way.

After putting pussywillows out near the curb for sale to raise money for Wellspring Niagara, the family was shocked to find someone stole them all and the pots that held them.

But that didn’t stop McGuffin from finding the positive and another lesson to be learned and taught.

“Our daughter is too young to really understand but we want to get those pictures and we want to get the kind of groundwork going for her being civic-minded,” said McGuffin.

He said one lesson is that “as much as an individual can do what’s best for the greater good, there’s always going to be negative in the world,” but not to let that stop good deeds — or any life plans.

“It’s a life lesson. You can put in all the planning for it doesn’t matter what you’re doing. If it is charitable or not, it could be even your life plans and your life goals, there’s always going to be road blocks,” McGuffin said.

He’s encouraging anybody who wants to help raise money for Wellspring Niagara and cancer research to contribute.

Donations can be made at wellspringniagara.akaraisin.com/ui/marchonniagara.

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