The Shaw Festival has officially pulled the plug on the last remaining shows that were planned for its 2020 season.
The remaining fall performances of “Charley’s Aunt” and” Flush” were cancelled Wednesday, the festival said in a statement.
“Never in our wildest imagination did we ever expect it would come to this: the cancellation of our 2020 season,” said a note on the festival's website.
However, the Shaw is holding on to the hope that performances of “A Christmas Carol” can go on this holiday season.
Those shows have not yet been cancelled in anticipation that the Shaw can host reduced-capacity audiences at the Royal George Theatre leading up to Christmas.
“We know it looks insurmountable to return to the stage in 2020, but we at the Shaw are holding onto hope for a holiday season,” said Kimberley Rampersad, the festival's associate artistic director.
“Our hope is a candle – it may flicker, but it will not go out. We will be hopeful for the future of our art and we look forward to the day we get to welcome our beloved patrons back to the theatre.”
Performances of “A Christmas Carol” will only happen if it is deemed safe for the audiences, artists and company members, the Shaw said.