The white building pictured here is the early St. Davids school house, which was located on York Road where the United Church and cemetery are today. It was built after the War of 1812 on land donated by Maj. David Secord. Emma Currie, a former resident who was known for popularizing the story of Laura Secord, remembered the one-room schoolhouse with a large stove in the middle and with benches and six desks for students. The boys were responsible for bringing in the wood to keep the fire going and carrying in the water for the drinking pail. The girls were responsible for sweeping and dusting the classroom. The youngest students would sit at the front on benches while the older ones occupied the desks. At the entrance there was a pail of water and a tin cup available for students to grab a quick drink. (It makes one chuckle as parents scramble around for the required individual water bottles for today’s kids each morning before school.) In 1871, David Jackson Lowery donated land and a bell for a new school to be built on the current school property. As the community grew, the building underwent several renovations throughout its time but the school, on its original site, is still enjoyed today by many of our young residents.