Although the Niagara River has a swift current, residents throughout our history have enjoyed swimming along the shoreline, whether it was off the Queenston or Niagara steamship docks, Ball’s Beach, Lion’s Beach (Queen’s Royal Park), Mississauga or Ryerson Beach. One Queenston resident recalled a beach unofficially called B.A.B. (Bare *** Beach) where kids would sometimes swim nude much to the shock of steamship passengers. From free swim lessons for local children to jumping in the waves as the steamships rolled by to spending countless summer hours sunbathing on the beach, the river has provided a refuge for many from the daily grind. Even soldiers training at Niagara Camp enjoyed a dip in the lake at the end of Queen Street from time to time. The last few weeks of summer are upon us so make sure to get out there and enjoy the sunshine and the wonderful waterfront we have in town.