Shoemaker George Flynn built this house circa 1860 at 22 Johnson St., on land given to him by his mother, who operated a recess (a liquor store by today’s standards) next door on King Street. Its best-known early owners were the Flanigans, who had an epic love story of a young local girl and an Irish soldier stationed at Camp Niagara under the First King’s Dragoon guards (we have his uniform in the museum’s collection). They married and raised a family in this house. Their two daughters, Bella and Minnie, became known as the most fashionably dressed girls in town by the 1870s. During the Second World War, the Knights of Columbus used the building to entertain troops from the army camp. It is amazing what you can find about your property if you have the time to dig in. If you’re interested in learning how to research your property, consider joining our Land Registry Workshop on April 6 from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. It will give you the background you need. Space is limited, so register today.