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Niagara Falls
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
PHOTO GALLERY: Celebrating summer at the farmworkers picnic
Volunteer Lorna serves up helpings of jerk pork maraconi salad for some of the farmworkers who came out to the Jamaican workers social event on Saturday. DAVE VAN DE LAAR
From right: Donna Douglas, the Jamaican Liaison Service's Niagara officer, the organizer of Saturday's event, joined by James Golding, the liaision service's Lincoln officer, who dropped by to show his support, and Althea Riley, the team leader for the liaision service in Canada. DAVE VAN DE LAAR
Errol Wright, a seasonal worker at Epp Farms, took a moment to address the crowd that came out for the picnic. Scott Epp was also in attendance and thanked Wright and other workers for the dedication and hard work. DAVE VAN DE LAAR
Althea Riley shaking hands with seasonal worker Clifton Fearon, who works with Epp Farms, for his commitment and dedication to the farmworker program — workers who've been with the program for 29 or more years received a certificate in recognition of their work. DAVE VAN DE LAAR
Courtney Grant from Caribbean Queen Jerk handing out meals to everyone in attendance. DAVE VAN DE LAAR
Some of the workers enjoyed their meals at the nearby Virgil skate park in the early evening. DAVE VAN DE LAAR
Everyone that came out had the chance to spin the wheel and win a prize, which were courtesy of JN Money, including a bicycle, gift cards and water bottles. DAVE VAN DE LAAR
In the centre is Danielle Watson, the daughter of farm owners Walter and Katherine Gaio (on the right and left ends of the photo), with workers Kenrick Bennett (beside Katherine) and Elisha Steele (beside Walter), who have been part of the farmworkers program for 36 and 34 years, respectively. DAVE VAN DE LAAR

There were good vibes in the air on Saturday at Centennial Sports Park in Virgil, as local farmworkers and their friends gathered for the Jamaican workers social event, a new initiative hosted by the Jamaican Liaison Service.

The sunny afternoon and early evening was filled with delicious Jamaican food and fun as seasonal workers took some time to relax from their work during the season and receive recognition and gratitude from members of the liaision service and farm owners for the work they’ve done over the past several decades on farmlands across Niagara-on-the-Lake.

Another person who came out was deputy lord mayor Erwin Wiens, who brought greetings and appreciation to the workers on behalf of Lord Mayor Gary Zalepa and the community.

Alongside helpings of jerk and barbecue chicken, curry goat and rice and peas, served up by Caribbean Queen Jerk, there was music, spin-the-wheel prizes courtesy of Jamaican bank JN Money, and domino games for everyone to enjoy.

This event is one part of the Jamaican Liaison Service’s efforts to enhance the services it offers for Jamaican workers in Canada and to safeguard the wellfare of these workers by providing quality services for them.

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