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Niagara Falls
Friday, May 3, 2024
Sports: Darling’s 87 is tops in 18-hole women’s play
Lynette and Dean Sanders compete in the Friday Couples League at the NOTL Golf Club. Jim Garrett

A week after heavy rains washed out most competitive league play at the Niagara-on-the-Lake Golf Club, action resumed on the links.

Michele Darling’s 87 won low gross in the 18-hole women’s league on Tuesday, June 14, followed by Yolanda Henry (89) and Martha Cruikshank (93).

Low net winner was Cheryl Yamamoto (74), while Henry, May Chang and Peggy Larder netted 75 and Ria Rosenberg was 76.

Four women tied for fewest putts, with 27: Cruikshank, Darling, Henry and Larder. Cathy Murray birdied #4.

In men’s league play on Thursday, June 9, James Grigjanis-Meusel shot an even-par 36 to win low gross. Ken Hunter was tops in Stableford scoring, with 21 points.

Longest drive winners were Ben Berti (#3)  and Mark Derbyshire (#6, seniors over 60).  Hunter was closest to the pin on #4 and Steven Warboys was closest on #9. Bill Jenkins sank the longest putt on #5

Net skins winners were John Reynolds (#3) and Jim McMacken (#6). Gross skins went to Reynolds (#3) and  Glen Murray (#4).

The previous week, June 2, there was a three-way tie for low gross as Rick Janes, Ricky Watson and Derbyshire all shot one-over par 37.

Three players also shared top spot in Stableford points scoring. Gerry Shelly, Bob Lowe and  Janes each accumulated 21 points.

Longest drive winners were Bill Smith (#3) and Reynolds (senior 60+ on #6).

Don Cruikshank made the longest putt on #5, while closest to the pin winners were Kurt Hamm (#4) and Robert Yamamoto (#9).

No one scooped any net skins but gross skins went to Rai Large (#2), Brock Sansom (#5) and Watson (#9).

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