10.8 C
Niagara Falls
Friday, May 3, 2024

COVID-19 has taken its toll on Niagara-on-the-Lake businesses, and The Lake Report is trying to help those that are struggling. We’re offering FREE business spotlight stories to help businesses during these trying times. If you would like to be included, simply send us 150 words about your business and a photo to go with the story. Or nominate your favourite business. We know everyone is suffering and this is just our small part to give back to community that supports us. Send stories to editor@niagaranow.com


WOW Me is a specialty boutique in the heritage district of Niagara-on-the-Lake. Being unique and different is what we do. WOW Me is your one stop shop for that distinctive gift.

For the misses, we carry a collection of purses, totes, jewelry and fashionable accessories. Come shop as if you were walking the streets of Spain, Italy, Germany or the Netherlands. For the gentlemen, you can find collective whiskey glasses, bar equipment, puzzles, grooming supplies, handcrafted chess and backgammon sets, and an assortment of gizmos and gadgets.

Lastly, our pride and joy,  we have 3-D crafted wooden maps. These beautiful bathymetric nautical charts are made locally in St. Davids. The depths of the water are laser-carved in balsam wood. The layers are then stained and assembled by hand to create a descending effect. Come visit us at 15 Queen St. and let us WOW you! https://wowmetoo.ca

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