22.3 C
Niagara Falls
Wednesday, May 1, 2024
Letter: Arresting abusive protesters could be solution

Dear editor: 

Regarding the ongoing protests in NOTL against horse-drawn carriages and your story, “Police worry as tensions rise over carriage protests,” (Aug. 20): 

While it can be argued that citizens have a right to protest under our Canadian Charter of Rights, perhaps an argument can be made that abusive language bellowed out on a crowd might be viewed as a threat to young children that might be present.

If parents used abusive language in front of their child, it is quite likely that children services would be called in. Should protesters be allowed to terrify children with their aggressive behaviour?

As to negotiating a settlement, the only result the protesters are interested in is to shut down the business. The very suggestion that bringing the parties to the table would lead to a solution is absurd.

Finally, the article in The Lake Report discussed a Toronto incident where protesters blocked the road on the Bloor Viaduct. The police found a solution by arresting the protesters and later the charges were dismissed. 

This has some merit. If you consistently disrupted the NOTL protesters’ activities in this manner, it would give some respite from the constant badgering.

In other words, why should the protesters be the only ones permitted to disrupt the day for residents and visitors?

Let’s disrupt their day every time they arrive in town and become abusive. A few hours at a police station each and every time should just about do it.

Lorraine Horton



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