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Niagara Falls
Wednesday, May 1, 2024
Letter: Will ‘they’ remember ‘his’ and ‘her’?

Dear editor:

 It ain’t write. Please join me in remembrance of “his” and “her.” They were a singular couple, albeit relentlessly possessive. 

“They” has not passed, but is merely disoriented. When we meet “they” in a sentence we find that “they” is entirely out of place, like breakfast cereal on a dinner plate.  

In keeping with these tragic reflections, consider the sad case of “he” and “she.” I have heard a rumour to the effect that they have left the subjective, joined a cult and are now following prepositions. Surely not!  And they were always so proactive. 

Now, back to “they.”  My advice to you after having read, “All My Pronouns” by Anne Fadiman in the August 2020 edition of Harper's, is to leave “they” alone and hope “they” do not come home. Indeed, eschew all references to the pronoun family. Seriously!

David Lailey

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