18.1 C
Niagara Falls
Sunday, May 5, 2024
Letter: An authoritarian approach to town governance

Dear editor:  

Abrogating authority, as defined by Webster’s –  the act of abrogating; repeal by authority –  seems to be something that Lord Mayor Betty Disero is developing an expertise in during her tenure as our municipal leader.

Examples of such abrogation keep growing during this term of council under the provincial emergency guidelines delegated to municipalities.

Let’s review, the most evident action was the temporary placing of cameras on Queen Street in the name of securing information related to “social distancing” arguments. 

The unilateral action of the emergency control group continued with the closing of Queen Street for a pedestrian mall.

These actions on their own may benefit the community in the long term but statistical evidence will never be accessible to satisfy arguments during council discussions. 

In fact, it seems that council discussions occur after the fact, resulting in acrimonious council meetings. 

Next there was a proposed bylaw, since rejected, to restrict any noise during the day. 

What is planned for us next, photo radar for speedsters, just like Toronto?  All in the name of emergency planning by non-elected officials. 

Really, who is asking for this?

Derek Insley


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